Name, Surname  Egidijus Krivka
 Education  2006: Doctor of Law (Social sciences, Law (01 S), Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania. Title of the dissertation: “Problems of Protection of the Public Interest in the Civil Procedure”.

1998: Diploma in Law (equivalent to Master’s degree), Vilnius University, Lithuania. Title of Master thesis: “Problems of Restoration of the Right of Ownership to the Real Property in Lithuania”.

 Professional experience Since 2011: Advocate.

2013 – 2015: Senior Research Fellow, Law Institute of Lithuania (co-author of research project „Problems of Identification of Public Interest in Lithuanian Law: Criteria and Priorities“).

2007 – 2010: Associate Professor (Docent), Department of Civil Procedure, Mykolas Romeris University. Courses: Civil Procedural Law; Protection of the Public Interest in the Civil Procedure.

2005 – 2007: Lecturer, Department of Civil Procedure, Mykolas Romeris University. Courses: Civil Procedural Law; Protection of the Public Interest in the Civil Procedure.

1999 – 2005: Lecturer, Department of Civil Procedure, Law University of Lithuania. Courses: Civil procedural law; Realization of Public Ownership.

1995 – 2001: Legal adviser, Joint Stock Company “Neris”.

 Research interests
  • Civil procedural law
  • Public interest and its protection
  • Joinder of parties
  • Joinder of uniform cases
  • Procedural representation
  • Judicial protection of rights and interests of numerous groups
  • Class (group) actions
  • Derivative actions
  • Res judicata
  • Participation of the prosecutor, state, municipal institutions and other persons seeking to protect the public interest in the civil procedure
 Other scientific activities Author of many written explanations (scientific expertises) in the field of civil procedural law for the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, Supreme Court of Lithuania, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania.

Supervisor of the simulated court proceedings during the seminars of civil procedural law at Mykolas Romeris University.

2002 – 2006: Supervisor of the scientific circle of students in the Department of Civil Procedure, Mykolas Romeris University.

 Scientific publications
  1. Krivka, Egidijus. Viešojo intereso apsauga naujajame Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio proceso kodekse [Protection of the Public Interest in the New Code of Civil Procedure of Lithuania] // Jurisprudencija. 2003. T. 37(29).
  2. Krivka, Egidijus. Grupės ieškinio problemos Lietuvos civilinio proceso teisėje [Problems of the Group Action in Lithuanian Civil Procedure] // Jurisprudencija. 2004. T. 52(44).
  3. Krivka, Egidijus. Res judicata principo įgyvendinimo grupės ieškinių procese problemos [Problems of Implementation of the Res Judicata Principle in Group Action Procedure] // Jurisprudencija. 2004. T. 53(45).
  4. Krivka, Egidijus. Išvestinio akcininkų ieškinio institutas Lietuvos teisės sistemoje [Institute of Shareholders’ Derivative Action in Lithuanian Legal System] // Jurisprudencija. 2006. T. 4(82).
  5. Krivka, Egidijus. Grupių teisių ir teisėtų interesų teisminės gynybos problemos civiliniame procese [Problems of Judicial Protection of the Groups’ Rights and Legitimate Interest in the Civil Procedure] // Teisė į teisminę gynybą ir jos realizavimo praktiniai aspektai. – Vilnius, 2006.
  6. Krivka, Egidijus. Grupės ieškinys – veiksminga teisės į teisminę gynybą įgyvendinimo priemonė [Group Action like an Effective Means of Judicial Defence] // Jurisprudencija. 2007. T. 4(94).
  7. Krivka, Egidijus. Intereso problema civilinio proceso teisėje [The Interest in the Law of Civil Procedure] // Jurisprudencija. 2007. T. 5(95).
  8. Krivka, Egidijus. Viešojo intereso problema civilinio proceso teisėje [Public Interest in the Law of Civil Procedure] // Jurisprudencija. 2007. T. 10(100).
  9. Krivka, Egidijus. Viešojo intereso gynimo civiliniame procese reglamentavimo problemos [Problems of Regulation of Protection of Public Interest in Civil Procedure] // Jurisprudencija. 2008. T. 2(104).
  10. Krivka, Egidijus. Group Action for the Protection of the Public Interest in Lithuania // Jurisprudencija. 2008. T. 7(109).
  11. Krivka, Egidijus. Group Action for the Protection of the Public Interest and Improvement of Its Legislative Regulation in Lithuania // Šiuolaikinės civilinio proceso teisės paskirtis. Vilnius : Registrų centras, 2008.
  12. Krivka, Egidijus. Kolektyvinio ieškinio įtvirtinimas teisės aktuose [Incorporation of Collective Action in Legislation] // Vartotojų teisių apsaugos Europos Sąjungoje teisiniai aspektai. Legal Aspects of Consumer Protection in the European Union. Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universiteto Leidybos centras, 2011.
  13. Krivka, Egidijus. Public Interest in the Matters of the Restitution of Property Rights in the Lithuanian Case Law // Journal on Legal and Economic Issues of Central Europe. 2013, Vol. 4, No. 2.
  14. Krivka, Egidijus. Viešojo intereso gynimas grupės ieškiniu: iššūkiai ir galimybės [Group Action for the Protection of Public Interest: Challenges and Opportunities] // Teisės problemos. 2015. Nr. 1 (87).
 Languages  Lithuanian, English, German, Russian.